Start of lectures - who is here, how many, what are they up to?

It’s the start of the teaching term! We have just welcomed 65 new MSc students to the Violence, Conflict and Development programme. As ever, they come from a wide variety of backgrounds – some straight from undergrad degrees, some with years of experience in development work, others using the MSc to change direction from one profession to another. It’s great to have this mix as everyone brings different skills and experiences to the classes. This week they are finalising choices on optional courses. 

Laura Hammond, our Head of Department who also lectures on the VCD course, gave the welcome speech last week to everyone from across the MSc programmes. She has just returned from a research trip to Somaliland, from where she sent this camel.

Alongside her research and HoD work, Laura has also been spotted on the BBC, talking about the situation surrounding the attack in the Westgate mall in Nairobi. Catch up with her here!

HoD Laura Hammond welcomes the new MSc students
